


Disciple-making /

Movement /

Multiplication /

You are made to multiply.

Make disciples who make disciples /

Learn from pioneers and movements around the world /

Believe that God can plant churches anywhere and use you to do it /

Practice rhythms that lead to multiplication /

Join what God is doing in your city /

Underground Church Training

Dream with me.

What if the movements we read about and hear about from other times and other places, aren’t just for other times and other places?

What if they are for here? For now. For where you are. More specifically - for you.

What if the church existed beyond walls and buildings? What if church really could look and be like family? What if a movement could happen again?

And what if God is waiting for you?

You don’t have to call Cultivate home to participate. This is for anyone eager to grow as a disciple-maker. Join us for a 12-week training cohort which includes an initial retreat and every other week gathering and training.

Spring 2025

Jan. 29 - May 7

Initial Intensive Training Jan. 18 / 6:00 - 9:00pm

Every other Wednesday from 7:00-9:00pm starting Jan. 29th

15 slots open

Let’s chat about it

If you’re interested in learning more, please fill out this quick form and we would love to hear your heart and share more details!