welcome to the underground.

let’s start.

It’s time to fill the earth.

The Ancient Call

From Genesis, God’s mandate for man was to multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). As image bearers, we were to fill the planet - every nook and cranny - with God’s image, thus filling the earth with God’s glory. 

We were commissioned to be cultivators of the earth. 

As the church, we have the redeemed Eden mandate. Go make disciples, fill the earth, and multiply into every corner of our city (Matt. 28:19-20). 

Our call is to not build bigger Edens, but to have vision to see an Eden everywhere we go. 

Too often our idea of church is centered around a service and a building, rather than it should be - spiritual families rooted and flourishing to see the Good News manifest and multiplied where they are. The church is meant to be a people with spiritual vision for the Kingdom of God to be planted, rooted, and flourishing all throughout our cities and circles.

Why We Call It the Underground Church Residency

First, we want to see the kind of grassroots movement, like the underground church in closed nations, where everyday people are empowered to be Kingdom laborers, and where the church multiplies organically, permeating all peoples and places. Second, we call it the Underground Church Residency because that’s the kind of culture required.

This isn’t about hype.

That’s quickly fading away.

This isn’t about bigger.

This is about ordinary people, almost undetectable, doing work that on the surface nobody may recognize.

But it’s the good work of partnering with Jesus. And, it produces fruit that lasts.

The Underground Church Residency is a 9-month residency to activate, equip, and send the next generation of everyday disciple-makers who will cultivate their city and circles with the Kingdom of God.

“I feel like I’m made for more.”

You were. You are. The UCT Residency is designed to help activate you in your gifts and callings in a holistic, healthy way.

“Is this all there is to church?”

The heartbeat of Church is spiritual family, not just an organization or institution. Experience a new / ancient way of doing church.

“Is there more to following Jesus?”

You were made to be set-apart unto Jesus and sent by Jesus to fill your world. Learn the practices that help lead to a life of flourishing with Him.

“I’m just a normal person.”

If you’re an everyday person, then you qualify to be the very thing God uses to spark movement in your city. Movements happen when everyday people follow Jesus and flourish together.

“I don’t know if God can use me.”

He can. He will. Watch how God can take your everyday rhythms and see them lead to disciples made and His Kingdom saturating your life and the lives of those around you.

“I’m not sure where I belong.”

You belong in spiritual family. And you belong welcoming others into family. In the UCT residency you will both belong and become a person of welcoming.

flourish + plant + multiply 

rhythms + practices

  • You will first learn how to flourish in family and discover how God can uniquely use you to be a disciple-maker and Kingdom laborer in your context.

  • You will learn how to begin the cultivation process of planting grassroots gatherings and discipling communities, how to nourish and lead them, and how to see them come to bear Kingdom fruit in your context.

  • You will learn the rhythms that lead to healthy multiplication as you will make disciples who can make more disciples.

  • Sunday Night Gatherings

    Our Sunday gatherings are meant to be a greenhouse for spiritual growth and spiritual family. These gatherings model the simplicity of how ordinary people can gather around tables and be the church.

  • Wednesday Night UCT Trainings

    Every Wednesday is a dual rhythm of practice and practicum. Every other Wednesday night there will be a specific training to teach the basics of disciple-making. The following Wednesdays you will practice making disciples, cultivating gatherings, and serving your city.

  • Residency Greenhouse Gatherings

    At least twice a month, there will be specifically curated teachings, debriefs, and gatherings just for the UCT residents and its leaders. These dates will be announced later.

  • Coaching & Retreats

    As part of the UCT residency you will receive 1on1 coaching. At least one retreat will be scheduled during this time with dates to be announced later.

why not here?

why not you?

Movements of ordinary followers of Jesus have shaped their cities. Why not here? Why not you?


  • The entire cost of the UCT residency is $750 which covers all materials and retreat expenses

  • The UCT Residency is designed to be both an intensive formation journey unlike any other season of life, and yet one that curates practices that flow into everyday life. Each resident should plan on 20 hours per week of intentional times of formation, excluding special events and outreaches. And yet, because the goal of this residency is to train laborers who can see God’s Kingdom planted and multiplied in every space, season, and sphere of life - we want to leave margin to do mission as a student, employee, resident, neighbor, and friend.

  • January 1 - Applications Opened 

    *April 11-13th - Optional Vision Weekend for interested residents 

    August 1 - Applications Closed 

    August 15-16 - Welcome Retreat

    December 8th - January 8th - BREAK

    May 4th - Last Gathering

  • Sunday PM - Cultivate Gathering

    Wednesday PM - UCT Training

    In addition to these fixed times will be later determined residency teachings at least twice a month, 1 on 1 coaching throughout the month, and at least one retreat during the year. Homework and reading will also be assigned.

  • Though you will work closely alongside the Cultivate Church Network community, the UCT is designed to champion and empower people from different churches. This is why our normal gathering is on Sunday nights instead of Sunday mornings.

  • Step 1: Fill out interest form.

    Step 2: An application will be sent to you.

    Step 3: An interview will be scheduled pending application.

    Step 4: A determination will be given.

  • The UCT residency currently caps at 5-7 residents per year